Showing Post From Ai

Why Big Tech Wants to Make AI Cost Nothing

Earlier this week, Meta both open sourced and released the model weights for Llama 3.1, an extraordinarily powerful large language model (LLM) which is competitive with the best of what Open AI’s ChatGPT and Anthropic’s Claude can offer.

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All the Activation Functions

Recently, I embarked on an informal literature review of the advances in Deep Learning over the past 5 years, and one thing that struck me was the proliferation of activation functions over the past decade.

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Stable Diffusion - De-painting with Stable Diffusion img2img

Stable diffusion has been making huge waves recently in the AI and art communities (if you don’t know what that is feel free to check out this earlier post).

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Running Stable Diffusion with an Old GPU

Diffusion-based AI art is one of the hottest topics of 2022, and one of the most earth-shattering announcements of the past month has been the August 2022 open-sourcing of one of these SOTA (state-of-the-art) models known as Stable Diffusion.

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